Evergreen Solutions was engaged with Mary Baldwin University to conduct a Classification and Compensation Study. The primary objectives of the scope of services were to: ensure positions performing similar work with essentially the same level of complexity, responsibility, and knowledge, skills, and abilities are classified together; provide wages commensurate with assigned duties; clearly outline promotional opportunities and provide recognizable compensation growth; provide justifiable pay differential between individual classes; and maintain a competitive position with other comparable government entities, non‐profits with similar characteristics, and private employers within the same geographic area to attract and retain qualified employees.
Kalamazoo Valley Community College, MI: Compensation and Classification Study
Evergreen Solutions was engaged with the Kalamazoo Valley Community College (KVCC) to conduct a Compensation and Classification Study. Evergreen’s consultants performed the following tasks: evaluated staff and administrator jobs to determine if adjustments may be necessary; reviewed, revised and aligned current position descriptions as needed for benchmarking, also taking into consideration the corresponding essential functions, skills, abilities, education/experience, supervision received, licensing/certification requirements, training etc.; reviewed the classification of all existing staff and administrator jobs and their current pay grades (i.e. grades 1-15); established appropriate benchmarking standards and conduct salary surveys as needed for similar positions with comparable local, statewide and regional Institutions. Analyzed and recommended changes to the present compensation structure based upon findings in market analysis; reviewed compensation related practices impacting progression on salary scales and provide recommendations for improvement; conducted overall review of total compensation system (including salary and benefits); identify potential compression and inequities in compensation; review administration of current system and provide recommendations for improvement; surveyed comparable compensation, recruitment, retention and engagement plans, recommending best practices; developed process and system for scheduled performance management; and developed systems to tie compensation to performance.
Davis Technical College, UT: HR Compensation Study
Evergreen Solutions was engaged with Davis Technical College to conduct an HR Compensation Study faculty and staff. The following were the objectives of the study: perform assessment of integration between the College’s compensation philosophy and practices in relation to human capital strategy and business objectives; evaluate opportunities for improvement to ensure the organization is well-positioned to attract and retain a skilled labor force that will support organizational objectives and goals; provide recommendations regarding how to define the College’s relevant external geographic labor markets used for benchmarking. Specifically, provide guidance on achieving a successful balance between being competitive within the education industry while also being sufficiently competitive to entice human capital from the non-education industry within the relevant geographic labor market; assess accuracy of Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) designations to job descriptions and provide recommendations with regards to exempt vs non-exempt status; assess current point factor method and compensable factors used for evaluating and grading faculty and staff positions; assess each group’s pay scale and its corresponding positions providing recommendations regarding updates, modifications or alternate methods to ensure equitable compensation among the positions; and perform salary survey data analysis to assess the College’s current level of competitiveness using benchmark jobs relative to similar sized organizations.
Fayette County Public Schools, KY: Comprehensive Compensation Study
Evergreen Solutions was engaged with Fayette County Public Schools to conduct a Comprehensive Compensation Study as well as a Staffing Study. Evergreen performed the following tasks: review job descriptions and conduct job analysis with employees; determine adequate staffing at the district level for operational and support areas and make recommendations to assure external competitiveness and internal equity; make recommendations for adjustments to assure internal equity and external competitiveness; assign compensatory value to various program certificates (ex. Certified Educational Office Employee, Child Development Associate Certificate, Automotive Service Excellence Certification, etc.); perform analysis of fiscal impact of implementing proposed changes as well as a proposed implementation schedule; assist in developing a communication plan for any changes being implemented; provide documentation and related tools to the District to independently maintain any strategies implemented; and present findings to the Superintendent and the FCPS Board of Education.
Kansas City Public Schools, MO: Compensation Study
Evergreen Solutions was engaged with Kansas City Public Schools to conduct a Compensation Study. Evergreen’s consultants performed the following tasks: completed onsite interviews with Human Resources Team and employees performing studied job functions, in order to fully understand the operational structures and reasoning behind classification of each job position, as needed; evaluated and determined which job positions fall within an administrator category, supervisor category, and non-supervisory category; reviewed all employee job descriptions and make recommendations for new job descriptions or updates to existing job descriptions according to the function each employee actually performs compared to their stated job description; compared all employee salaries to internal and external markets; determined if there are compression or inequity problems and make recommendations for improvements; compared all employee benefits packages to the external markets. Determined if there are inequity problems and make recommendations for improvements; provided recommendations for supervisor and non-supervisor level salary schedules and/or ranges; and provided recommendations on implementing a tool or system that could be used in classifying new and/or future classified level positions.
City of Norwalk / Norwalk Public Schools, Connecticut: Operations Review / Efficiency Study
Evergreen Solutions was engaged with the City of Norwalk to conduct an Operations Review/Efficiency Study of the City and the school district. The primary purpose of the study was to identify and coordinate with the City to implement specific strategies to improve the efficiency of City government and K-12 public school operations in order to improve the value of government and educational services delivered to the community. The Departments within the City’s scope, include: Information Technology; Community Services (i.e., Health Department, Human Services, Early Childhood, Youth Services, Human Relations and Fair Rent, and Library); Corporation Counsel; Finance (i.e., Comptroller, Management and Budgets, Purchasing, Tax Assessor, and Tax Collector); Economic and Community Development (i.e., Business Development and Tourism, Code Enforcement, Planning and Zoning, and Transportation, Mobility and Parking); Fire (Emergency Management); HR and Personnel; Operations and Public Works (i.e., Building Management, Engineering, Highways, and Recreation and Parks); Police; and Town Clerk. Some of the Departments within Norwalk Public Schools in the scope includes: Facilities; Finance; Grants; Health Services; Human Resources; Information Technology; Operations; Maintenance; Purchasing; Recruiting/Talent Acquisitions; and Transportation.
Evergreen’s consultants performed the Efficiency Study in two parts for both the City and Norwalk Public Schools. In Part 1, Evergreen’s consultants researched and analyzed the current performance by identifying areas where there was a high potential to improve efficiencies within the scope of the project, measuring and mapping the current state of the identified area; and analyzing the current state to determine the likely causes of inefficiencies. In Part 2, Evergreen’s consultant identified the obstacle(s) to implement the recommendations; developed countermeasures to address the causes of inefficiencies; and designed the future state of the workflows with integrated countermeasures.
Cobb County, GA: Comprehensive Compensation Review and Update of Classification/Pay System
Evergreen Solutions was engaged with Cobb County to conduct a Comprehensive Compensation Review and Update of Classification/Pay System. The scope of work included a comprehensive compensation and benefit market survey; job analysis and evaluation; evaluation of internal and external compensation equity; an implementation recommendation and update; and preparation of draft and final reports. Evergreen updated the salary range structure based on the compensation survey results and internal relationships, while minimizing compression, and assuring internal equity and external competitiveness for sworn (full and part-time); non-sworn; and part-time employees. Evergreen further made recommendations regarding a Step Plan for all County graded positions. Evergreen reviewed and updated job descriptions and coordinated an appeal process for employees to appeal through their management and address any concerns.