Evergreen Solutions was engaged with Kansas City Public Schools to conduct a Compensation Study. Evergreen’s consultants performed the following tasks: completed onsite interviews with Human Resources Team and employees performing studied job functions, in order to fully understand the operational structures and reasoning behind classification of each job position, as needed; evaluated and determined which job positions fall within an administrator category, supervisor category, and non-supervisory category; reviewed all employee job descriptions and make recommendations for new job descriptions or updates to existing job descriptions according to the function each employee actually performs compared to their stated job description; compared all employee salaries to internal and external markets; determined if there are compression or inequity problems and make recommendations for improvements; compared all employee benefits packages to the external markets. Determined if there are inequity problems and make recommendations for improvements; provided recommendations for supervisor and non-supervisor level salary schedules and/or ranges; and provided recommendations on implementing a tool or system that could be used in classifying new and/or future classified level positions.