Evergreen Solutions was engaged with the City of Norwalk to conduct an Operations Review/Efficiency Study of the City and the school district. The primary purpose of the study was to identify and coordinate with the City to implement specific strategies to improve the efficiency of City government and K-12 public school operations in order to improve the value of government and educational services delivered to the community. The Departments within the City’s scope, include: Information Technology; Community Services (i.e., Health Department, Human Services, Early Childhood, Youth Services, Human Relations and Fair Rent, and Library); Corporation Counsel; Finance (i.e., Comptroller, Management and Budgets, Purchasing, Tax Assessor, and Tax Collector); Economic and Community Development (i.e., Business Development and Tourism, Code Enforcement, Planning and Zoning, and Transportation, Mobility and Parking); Fire (Emergency Management); HR and Personnel; Operations and Public Works (i.e., Building Management, Engineering, Highways, and Recreation and Parks); Police; and Town Clerk. Some of the Departments within Norwalk Public Schools in the scope includes: Facilities; Finance; Grants; Health Services; Human Resources; Information Technology; Operations; Maintenance; Purchasing; Recruiting/Talent Acquisitions; and Transportation.
Evergreen’s consultants performed the Efficiency Study in two parts for both the City and Norwalk Public Schools. In Part 1, Evergreen’s consultants researched and analyzed the current performance by identifying areas where there was a high potential to improve efficiencies within the scope of the project, measuring and mapping the current state of the identified area; and analyzing the current state to determine the likely causes of inefficiencies. In Part 2, Evergreen’s consultant identified the obstacle(s) to implement the recommendations; developed countermeasures to address the causes of inefficiencies; and designed the future state of the workflows with integrated countermeasures.