The World Communications Charter School in Philadelphia selected Evergreen to complete comprehensive strategic planning activities to develop a strategic plan which served as a map for senior leadership and staff to guide direct business actions towards meeting school goals. The objective of the planning process was a final comprehensive Strategic Plan which addressed where World Communications Charter School was at that point in time; where the school would like to be; the actions and activities the school will take to get there; and how the school will measure outcomes, progress, and success. To ensure these important questions are answered and that World Communications Charter School realizes the benefits of a successful strategic planning process, Evergreen has designed a three-phase work plan which is subdivided into eight unique tasks.
The first step in the strategic planning process was to analyze World Communications Charter School’s existing data (such as previous completed strategic plans, administrative policies and practices, and financial documentation available). This first step allowed Evergreen to define the context for which the school is operating in, which will ultimately drive creation of the Strategic Plan. Following this task, Evergreen conducted outreach sessions to solicit input from World Communications Charter School stakeholders. This process included the collection of feedback in one-on-one and small group settings regarding performance measures, monitoring processes, and vision, mission, and purpose of the Strategic Plan under development. Finally, Evergreen used the results from the aforementioned processes to draft a Strategic Plan and submit to World Communications Charter School before submitting a final Strategic Plan in Summer 2012.