Fairfax County Public Schools, VA: Superintendent’s Leadership Team Compensation External Review

Evergreen Solutions was retained by Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) to conduct a Superintendent’s Leadership Team Compensation External Review. Evergreen’s consultants collected, evaluated, and reviewed the current compensation and classification system; conducted a salary survey of FCPS peers, and provided recommendations for changes to the FCPS School Board. Evergreen also presented the Final Report at a School Board meeting.

Wayside School District, TX: Compensation and Classification Study and a Staffing Study

Wayside School District, Texas, a private charter district, hired Evergreen Solutions to conduct a Compensation and Classification Study and a Staffing Study. Evergreen began Phase I by evaluating the District’s current classification and compensation information and assisting in the development of an initial compensation philosophy. Following these initial steps, Evergreen utilized the Job Assessment Tool© to evaluate and build a projected classification plan. Market and benefits surveys were conducted, and recommendations for strategic positioning were provided to the District. A final solution was documented to develop a final report and a plan for maintaining recommendations over time. Phase II involved working with the District to determine the goals of the staffing study, gather relevant background materials, develop a preliminary profile, and prepare a final staffing plan.

Chesapeake Public Schools, VA: Pay and Classification Study

Evergreen was hired by Chesapeake Public Schools to conduct a thorough and comprehensive review of the division’s existing pay and classification plans, including the allocation of stipends (i.e., coaches, educational, extra duty) for all employee groups. This study identified any existing classification problems, and determined whether the salary schedules of all employee groups were competitive with other school systems and in the market in general. Evergreen recommended necessary changes to correct identified problems, and recommended options for implementation of a proposed grade/step plan.

Springfield R-12 School District, MO: Compensation and Benefits Study

Evergreen Solutions was retained by the Springfield R-12 School District to conduct a Compensation and Benefits Study. Evergreen conducted a full market salary and benefits analysis for all staff (3,987) with comparable labor markets to support the efforts of the District to attract and retain the best talent, while establishing a consistent and competitive market position within budgetary constraints. Evergreen also compared the District’s extra-duty salaries to peer organizations. Evergreen conducted an internal equity analysis by reviewing employee job descriptions and making recommendations for new job descriptions or updates to existing job descriptions according to the function each employee actually performed compared to their stated job description. Evergreen further determined whether there were compression or inequity issues and made recommendations for improvements.

Lee County School District, FL: Performance Audit

Evergreen Solutions was retained by the Office of Program Policy Analysis and Governmental Accountability (OPPAGA) to conduct a Performance Audit of the Lee County School District in the areas related to construction of new schools, reconstruction and renovation of existing schools, acquisition of equipment, safety and security, and technology. The performance audit included an examination of issues related to the following: economy, efficiency, or effectiveness of the program; structure or design of the program to accomplish its goals and objectives; alternative methods of providing program services or products; goals, objectives, and performance measures used by the program to monitor and report program accomplishments; accuracy of public documents, reports, and requests prepared by the county or school district which relate to the program; and compliance of the program with appropriate policies, rules, and laws.

Martin County School District, FL: Performance Audit

Evergreen Solutions was retained by the Office of Program Policy Analysis and Governmental Accountability (OPPAGA) to conduct a Performance Audit of the Martin County School District in the areas related to security upgrades and enhancements at all schools, the replacement of Jensen Beach Elementary and Palm City Elementary, and the repair or renovation of district-owned school buildings. The performance audit included an examination of issues related to the following: economy, efficiency, or effectiveness of the program; structure or design of the program to accomplish its goals and objectives; alternative methods of providing program services or products; goals, objectives, and performance measures used by the program to monitor and report program accomplishments; accuracy of public documents, reports, and requests prepared by the county or school district which relate to the program; and compliance of the program with appropriate policies, rules, and laws.

Ogden City School District, UT: Job Analysis, Classification, and Compensation Study

Evergreen was engaged with the Ogden City School District to complete a comprehensive analysis of district’s classification and compensation systems while considering internal equity and external markets. This included, but was not limited to, conducting job analysis, rewriting job descriptions, as necessary, and making recommendations concerning classification systems and compensation structures. Evergreen performed the following tasks: analyzed positions and revised job descriptions as necessary; made recommendations regarding FLSA exempt versus non-exempt status; recommended the appropriate designation/job classification for all positions, with written documentation in support of each of the recommendation; collected the appropriate information required to make a fair and reasonable determination for each of the selected positions, and to made classification and compensation recommendations for those positions; reviewed the current job classification structures and recommended classifications and classification strategies; provided a comprehensive report with recommendations for a compensation program that took into consideration internal equity and external job market factors; and provided ongoing support in reviewing job descriptions for compensation classification.

Lee County Public Schools, VA: Pay and Classification Study

Evergreen Solutions was retained by Lee County Public Schools (LCPS) to conduct a Pay and Classification Study for all 500 employees. Evergreen conducted focus group sessions with a sample of employees (i.e., teachers, administrators, and classified staff) to solicit input on classification and/or compensation issues. Evergreen conducted a full market salary analysis with comparable labor markets to support the efforts of LCPS to attract and retain the best talent, while establishing a consistent and competitive market position within budgetary restrictions.

School Administrative Unit 29, NH: Performance Audit of Special Education and Student Support Services

Evergreen Solutions was hired by the School Administrative Unit 29 in New Hampshire to conduct a Comprehensive Audit of Special Education and Student Support Services. The Scope of Work for this Special Education Programs and Student Services Audit included an analysis and review of the following: staffing and organization; record keeping; professional development; technology; inclusion; student support services; and outcomes.

In addition to providing details on all findings, Evergreen developed recommendations to improve the operations and performance results of the special education program and student support services. Further, Evergreen developed estimates of costs and savings from the implementation of all recommendations.

Pinellas County Schools, FL: Evaluation of the Healthy Children Grant Program

500th Project Celebration!!

Evergreen Solutions was hired by Pinellas County Schools to conduct an evaluation of Healthy Children Grant Program, funded by the Foundation for a Healthy St. Petersburg. Evergreen’s evaluation will look across multiple objectives to examine: the utility of activities and strategies planned; the schedule of inception of each, and their interaction with others that may be dependent upon them; and commonalities across objectives that may inform staff of promising practices applicable in projects beyond those specifically examined or of barriers that may be more universal than objective specific. The goal of the evaluation is to assess the extent to which curriculum products and training provided by Pinellas County Schools to targeted student populations have the desired impact on program participants; the extent to which the program is delivered with fidelity to the project plan; and the extent to which Pinellas County Schools shares emerging practices.