Evergreen Solutions was retained by the City of Westminster to provide Classification and Compensation Study Services. The scope of work included the review and updating of the City’s current job descriptions as well as providing technical assistance in the development of a comprehensive performance evaluation system to integrate with the new classification system. The primary study objectives for this study included: developing a formal compensation philosophy for adoption by the Mayor and Common Council; identifying comparable benchmark employers to guide the City’s future employee salary and benefit decisions to facilitate the attraction and retention of high performance staff members, while being financially sustainable; establishing a comprehensive job classification system using the approved job evaluation system that would accommodate the City’s needs for an internally and externally equitable, defensible, market sensitive, and easily administered system for all current and future positions within the City; training Human Resources staff to apply the adopted compensation philosophy to maintain the adopted classification and compensation system; and providing legally defensible classification specifications (ADA, FLSA, and any other applicable federal and state laws).