Evergreen Solutions was retained by the City of Columbia to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the City’s current compensation and classification structure. The primary objective of the study was to determine whether the City’s current pay structure, policies, and practices were effective as compared to peer organizations or whether future adjustments will be needed. Evergreen’s consultants conducted a job-task analysis/job audit of all employee positions to verify and validate information from existing job descriptions. Based on the data collected, Evergreen defined the essential functions of the job class, including, required education, experience, knowledge, skills, and abilities, to ensure compliance with ADA regulations; identified discrepancies between existing and proposed classifications; reported areas that are understaffed or under-utilized; identify management, supervisory, professional, technical and general employees, including each employee’s FLSA status (exempt/non-exempt); evaluated and recommended other programs that can be implemented by the City to attract candidates for hard-to-recruit positions; and developed a tool that the City can utilize to evaluate and process future reclassifications.