In February 2010, Broward College contracted Evergreen Solutions to evaluate an Emergency Management for Higher Education Grant. As part of the evaluation, Evergreen Solutions assessed four areas of Broward College’s emergency management plan, including prevention migration, preparedness, response, and recovery. Additionally, the evaluation included developing a sustainable performance measurement system that evaluated the college’s early warning program. Evergreen Solutions designed and disseminated methods of evaluation appropriate to goals, objectives, and outcomes of the project.
Evergreen Solutions used a methodology that included collecting and tracking quantitative and qualitative data for each of the project’s objectives and measurements. Specifically, this included: designing evaluation instruments (surveys, questionnaires, evaluations, and other necessary and appropriate forms); developing specialized tracking systems to measure performance objectives and to assess whether intended outcomes were realized; and conducting focus groups and interviews with students, staff, and faculty. The evaluation also assessed overall efficiency and effectiveness of the training, practice drills, and after-action reports associated with the emergency management plan. In addition, the emergency communication systems was also assessed during the evaluation.