Manatee County, FL: Compensation and Classification Study

In December 2007, the Evergreen Solutions Team kicked-off a Compensation and Classification Study for Manatee County, Florida. The study included all employees that serve in capacities for the Board of County Commissioners. As part of the review, orientation sessions, focus groups, and interviews were conducted throughout the county with approximately 1,500 employees. All employees were asked to complete Evergreen Solution’s Job Assessment Tool (JAT). Consultants conducted job analysis based on employee feedback in order to assist with the creation of a classification plan. A salary survey of local and regional employers was conducted to assess Manatee County’s level of market competitiveness. Based on the classification and compensation findings, a new pay plan, as well as policies and procedures, were recommended to the County.

City of Fountain, CO: Management Review and Strategic Planning

As part of an ongoing effort to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of its operations and management, the City of Fountain, Colorado, a growing city near Colorado Springs, hired Evergreen Solutions to conduct a comprehensive management and performance review of its operations.

In Phase I, Evergreen Solutions consultants conducted a thorough diagnostic review of the city’s structure, management, and organizational issues. Chief among those was the tremendous growth the city has experienced since the late ‘90s, and which is projected to continue. This growth has led to a strain on limited resources within the city and a need to identify strategic priorities for the future.

In Phase II of the study, the Evergreen Solutions team conducted an in-depth analysis of the city’s overall organizational structure, financial operations, human resources management, public safety operations, public works, and utilities management. The overriding goal of the study was to assist the city in determining where resources needed to be directed to accomplish its goals, where resources were being utilized inefficiently, and the best approach to realign resources to sustain positive community development.

In 2008, the City of Fountain again engaged Evergreen Solutions to facilitate the development of the City’s comprehensive strategic plan. In the context of the plan development, the following major tasks will be completed over a six-month period:

  • Conduct Internal, External, and Market Analysis
  • Develop City Mission, Vision, and Strategic Priorities
  • Develop City Administrative Goals and Objectives
  • Develop Budget Linkage Plan

Evergreen Solutions was responsible for conducting a community-wide outreach program to solicit input, identifying the City’s major strengths and weaknesses as well as core values, and developing a comprehensive plan to address five-year goals and objectives to guide the City and its development.