Evergreen Solutions was retained by Cape Fear Public Utility Authority (CFPUA) to perform a review of the Authority’s existing classification plan, perform a salary survey, prepare one or more pay plan option schedules, and conduct a benefits survey. Specifically, Evergreen will review the Authority’s existing classification and compensation plan for appropriateness, internal equity, and external competitiveness. A number of specific tasks will be completed by Evergreen’s team which ultimately led to recommendations as to how the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority can better deliver an equitable and competitive classification and total compensation plan.
Evergreen first conducted a series of on-site meetings with key CFPUA employees to collect necessary background data and information, gathered requirements for the CFPUA compensation plan, and most importantly discussed with employee’s representatives perspectives, concerns, and suggestions on development of the classification and compensation plan. Next, Evergreen conducted two separate processes to measure internal equity amongst CFPUA classifications and gauge each CFPUA classification’s compensation competiveness against the regional labor market. This process assisted with development of a research based compensation and classification plan as well as up-to-date job descriptions for all CFPUA classifications. Included in the total compensation study is a detailed benefits survey and analysis centered on determining comparative outcomes between CFPUA benefits offerings and those of the surrounding labor market.
Evergreen recommended one or more classification plans to the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority and possible adjustments to CFPUA’s total compensation offerings which worked within any constraints on the Authority’s current resources. Sustainability efforts were implemented by Evergreen in the form of a detailed procedure manual and training for CFPUA Human Resources employees enabling them to maintain the recommended classification and compensation plan well into the future.