Berkley-Charleston-Dorchester Council of Governments, SC: Compensation and Classification Study

Evergreen Solutions was retained by the Berkley-Charleston-Dorchester Council of Governments (BCDCOG) to conduct a comprehensive compensation and classification study of all support staff classifications. The study included employee focus groups, orientation meetings job evaluation, salary and benefits market analysis, and recommendations. The study assessed both internal and external equity related to these issues and how they impact relatively small organizations such as this.

Tampa Bay Water Authority, FL: Compensation Trends and Benefits Survey

Evergreen Solutions was retained by the Tampa Bay Water Authority to conduct a survey of identified peer organizations designed to gather trends in compensation practices and policies. The survey primarily focuses on changes related to compensation over the past three year period.  In addition, Evergreen Solutions conducted a survey of peer organizations’ benefits packages to determine the Authority’s overall standing in the market.

D.C. Water and Sewer Authority: Development and Monitoring of an Affirmative Action Plan

Evergreen Solutions was retained by the D.C. Water and Sewer Authority to develop a comprehensive Affirmative Action Plan for all employees. The process included conducting focus groups as well as data analysis to determine the level of equity present in the District’s processes, including hiring, promoting, and terminating employees. The Affirmative Action Plan identified areas for improvement as well as recommendations for meeting future needs. Upon completion of the Affirmative Action Plan, Evergreen provided training to executive leadership, senior management, and human capital management staff.

Cape Fear Public Utility Authority, NC: Compensation and Classification Study and Benefits Survey

Evergreen Solutions was retained by Cape Fear Public Utility Authority (CFPUA) to perform a review of the Authority’s existing classification plan, perform a salary survey, prepare one or more pay plan option schedules, and conduct a benefits survey. Specifically, Evergreen will review the Authority’s existing classification and compensation plan for appropriateness, internal equity, and external competitiveness. A number of specific tasks will be completed by Evergreen’s team which ultimately led to recommendations as to how the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority can better deliver an equitable and competitive classification and total compensation plan.

Evergreen first conducted a series of on-site meetings with key CFPUA employees to collect necessary background data and information, gathered requirements for the CFPUA compensation plan, and most importantly discussed with employee’s representatives perspectives, concerns, and suggestions on development of the classification and compensation plan. Next, Evergreen conducted two separate processes to measure internal equity amongst CFPUA classifications and gauge each CFPUA classification’s compensation competiveness against the regional labor market. This process assisted with development of a research based compensation and classification plan as well as up-to-date job descriptions for all CFPUA classifications. Included in the total compensation study is a detailed benefits survey and analysis centered on determining comparative outcomes between CFPUA benefits offerings and those of the surrounding labor market.

Evergreen recommended one or more classification plans to the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority and possible adjustments to CFPUA’s total compensation offerings which worked within any constraints on the Authority’s current resources. Sustainability efforts were implemented by Evergreen in the form of a detailed procedure manual and training for CFPUA Human Resources employees enabling them to maintain the recommended classification and compensation plan well into the future.

Allegheny County, PA: Race and Gender Audit

Evergreen Solutions was retained by Allegheny County to conduct a Race and Gender Audit. The audit provided the County with a detailed analysis of data by gender and race of employees and of human resource policies and practices to identify where gender and race pay issues exist. Specifically, the Gender and Race Equity Audit addressed recruitment and hiring practices, compensation systems, job evaluation systems, and training, development, and promotional practices.

Evergreen’s methodology involved conducting statistical analysis on existing pay levels to determine if current pay levels within existing classifications are characterized by gender or racial bias. Furthermore, Evergreen reviewed the job analysis input from a random sample of jobs and compare the essential work tasks included in the job analysis with the job descriptions. Desk audits were conducted on select classes to verify that work performed is consistent with job descriptions. In addition, Evergreen assessedd the overall processes for recruitment, promotion, and transfer from need identification until action and the resulting outcomes. One goal of the study was to ultimately determine the impact of the current system on women and minorities and devise allocation of classifications based on internal equity criteria.

In the end, Evergreen provided the County with a comprehensive report which identifies specific study findings as well as: a thorough costing analysis of potential changes to revised classification and compensation system; a comprehensive comparable worth job analysis and allocation system, with corresponding procedures for implementation; recommendations for monitoring the revised system; and training recommendations for human resources staff.

County of Montgomery, PA: Compensation Study

Evergreen Solutions was retained by the County of Montgomery to conduct a Compensation Study. The study included an examination of the County’s compensation plan in order to provide recommendations for compensation policies, procedures and practices that provided internal equity and allowed the County to be competitive in the marketplace for attracting and retaining qualified employees.

Evergreen recommended and identified a market position for Montgomery County by administering a comprehensive labor market salary survey to select public and private sector peers. Evergreen also conducted a comparative analysis of benefits provided in the market that included PTO, health, dental, vision and prescription, including percentage of contribution between employee and employer, long term disability (LTD), life insurance and pension benefits.

Evergreen then recommended appropriate salary ranges (i.e., min, mid, and max) for all non-represented classifications. Evergreen prepared a cost analysis for the recommended salary ranges.

Town of Mount Pleasant, SC: Wage and Compensation Study

Evergreen Solutions assisted the Town of Mt. Pleasant with a comprehensive wage and compensation study in which selected municipalities and businesses in the Town of Mt. Pleasant area were surveyed to assess the market competiveness of the Town of Mt. Pleasant’s current compensation system. Aside from general compensation, the study was designed to assess: incentive pay for licenses, certifications, educational attainment as well as longevity pay; policies regarding take home vehicles and uniform payment; pay for performance systems; and employee performance appraisal tools and documentation.

In addition to reviewing the Town’s compensation structure and competiveness, Evergreen’s process established a sustainable maintenance plan for the pay system, as well as a maintenance plan for the Town’s pay for performance system in order to ensure continued competitiveness with market area peers. In addition, Evergreen reviewed the Town’s job descriptions and made changes where necessary to ensure that documented duties reflect those duties actually being performed by Town employees. To conclude the study, Evergreen issued a comprehensive report detailing findings and providing recommendations to Town leaders.

Yadkin County, NC: Performance Audit of Health Department

Yadkin County, NC selected Evergreen Solutions to conduct a Performance Audit of the Yadkin County Health Department. The purpose of the Performance Audit was to conduct an objective and systemic examination of the Health Department using a structured and professionally adopted methodology to evaluate overall efficiency, effectiveness, and productivity. The foundation of Evergreen’s approach methodology for this study was based on the simple premise of aligning needs with resources in an optimal manner; specifically, alignment of communication, resources, processes, and organizational objectives.

Evergreen’s conceptual model for completing such a study was designed with a top down approach. That is, higher level strategic needs such as citizen expectations, community needs, and relative resources are first assessed during the audit. Then, individual service models for specific functional areas were analyzed. Finally, operational components such as organization and management, resources management, and policies and procedures were assessed for inefficiencies. This top down approach was optimal for identifying areas in which the Health Department could become more efficient, effective, and productive.

In the end, Evergreen presented a final report of the findings, commendations, and recommendations to the Yadkin County Board of County Commissioners which will provide specific recommendations and implementation plans to optimize Yadkin Health Department’s overall performance.

Town of Colchester, VT: Community Visioning and Strategic Planning

The Town of Colchester selected Evergreen to provide community visioning and to develop a strategic plan to ensure alignment of strategy development as well as successful resource allocation between the four “images” of the community-an agricultural hub, tourist destination, bedroom community, and business location. The process ultimately led to a shared vision and direction between the Town’s four unique areas of the community.

As part of the initiative, Evergreen worked closely with the Town’s Steering Committee to design a public outreach campaign that will include public relations, education, outreach and involvement so as to involve the whole community in the visioning process. Specific tools and processes will be designed and implemented by Evergreen to assist in the process, including outreach materials, press releases, training initiatives, and forum meetings and groups. Additional, Evergreen closely monitored the strategic development process to ensure key components are included.

A summary document captured relevant information from each step to the process, and in the end, the Town had a comprehensive vision with a list of goals, objectives, and action steps to guide its overall direction for the next five years.

City of Pearland, TX: Classification Study

Evergreen Solutions was retained by the City of Pearland, Texas to complete a Classification Study which included a review of the existing classification plan and an audit of 180 classifications. The project’s specific goal was to analyze the existing hierarchy based on job relationships and make recommendations regarding the classification plan. The study ensured the accuracy and compliance status of the City’s class descriptions. The methodology developed for the study focuses on market competitiveness, recognizes that compensation is comprised of more than just base pay levels, reflects changes in recent compensation strategies, and outputs custom solutions that take into account the diversity of needs present in the City. Overall, the plan produced a structure that improved the City’s ability to recruit, reward, motivate, and retain talent in a competitive environment.

Evergreen Solutions worked with the City to evaluate the policies and procedures associated with demotions, promotions, transfers and reclassifications and evaluating current classifications for FLSA status. Furthermore, components of the study included employee questionnaires; job interviews with department directors, division managers, key supervisors and selected employees; analysis and identification of problem areas within the hierarchy system; a review of class specifications as they relate to minimum education, FLSA determinations, and experience; a review of ADAAA compliance criteria; and establishment of a mechanism for placing newly created job classifications into the City’s pay structure. As the study progressed, Evergreen provided communication and training tools to keep employees up-to-date on project progress and changes and, based on findings, made recommendations regarding the City’s processes.