Leon County Sheriff’s Office, FL: Staffing Study

Evergreen Solutions was engaged with the Leon County Sheriff’s Office to conduct a Staffing Study.  Evergreen performed the following: collected current Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and other outcome-related data; developed and issued benchmarking survey to collect level, staffing, and KPI results from relevant peer organizations; developed a peer staffing matrix based on KPI and/or outcome measure variation that includes the excepted staffing range by job level; utilized comparison data from benchmark survey peers in the peer staffing matrix to assess organizational structure and staffing levels; identify jobs by level that fell outside of the estimated staffing thresholds; developed staffing model based on current strategic needs, comparison of KPI results, and peer thresholds; provided recommended staffing levels for future years, using data from County on population growth projections; provided recommendations for future staffing needs of the LCSO; created a matrix that identifies all gaps between the current and desired staffing by level and functional area of the LCSO; estimated the overall resource and cost savings for each change or gap based on the current and proposed staffing model; and submitted a final report that summarized results and linked recommendations and outcomes from the study.

Laurens County, SC: Compensation Study

Evergreen Solutions was retained by Laurens County to conduct a comprehensive wage study and analysis for regular and part-time positions.  The goals of the study were to: ensure fair and equitable relationships within the organization; recommend and identify a consistent and competitive market position that the County can strive to maintain; remain cognizant of trends in wage or compensation inequality; and apply goals organization-wide, professionally, consistently and objectively.